The Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Disney at Christmas

It’s a well known fact that I love Disney ANY time of the year.  In fact, I can’t honestly think of a bad time to do anything Disney.  However, Disney at Christmas is just…well…magic. There are dozens of reasons to love Disney at Christmas and I asked my own kids why THEY loved Disney atContinue reading “The Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Disney at Christmas”

Planning a Group Vacation–Five Reasons Why It’s a Good Idea!

I’m often surprised when I have a client call and say they are traveling with a group of people for vacation but their friends/family booked with someone else so they just want to book their vacation with me.  Now, I don’t say that because I’m surprised they wouldn’t book with me (although I DO provideContinue reading “Planning a Group Vacation–Five Reasons Why It’s a Good Idea!”